Refund Policy

7 Days DOA Product Guarantee
If products customers received are damaged, defective or wrong within 7 days after delivery, please contact us with photos or videos showing working status of the products. We will provide technical support or replacement.


14 Days Return without Reasons
For whatever reason, customers are not satisfied with products received within 14 days after delivery, we provide service of return and refund. Free return label is unavailable. Customers need to pay for the return freight and provide tracking number for returned package. Refund will only be processed based on available tracking information. Items MUST be returned in their original packaging, unused and unopened in order to qualify for a product refund.


90 Days Product Warranty
For all quality problems caused by non-human factors within 90 days after delivery, please contact us with photos or videos showing working status of the products. We will provide technical support. Note: service for the liquid damage and intentional damage are not covered by the Warranty.


Refund Processing
Refund will be processed within 3-7 business days after packages delivered to provided address.